Coffee Roaster Venting
We know coffee roasters
We specialize in Coffee Roaster Exhaust - We have worked with coffee roasting companies since day one. Over the years we have completed a multitude of coffee roaster projects for a variety of customers and roasting equipment manufactures.
Not sure where to begin?
For our coffee roaster venting systems we have experience with nearly all roasting equipment manufactures, understand the fundamentals of airflow and exhaust configuration, and can talk coffee.
We specify the correct venting material for your project, and know the UL Listings required for each application.
Our designers can work with engineering drawings, architectural renderings, or even hand drawn sketches.
Check out this article:
UL Listing
* Please note: not all UL listings are available on all products. Please ask your rep for a specific UL Listing for your application.
UL-1978 Standard Grease Duct (ULC-S662 Standard for Factory-Built Grease Ducts)
UL-2221 Standard, Fire Resistive Grease Duct Enclosure Assemblies
Additional UL/ULC 20" W.C. Pressure Listing
UL-103 Standard
Building Heating Appliance Chimney
(Industrial Type 540°C Chimney)UL-103 Standard, Additional Type HT Listing
UL-2561 Standard, 1400F Chimney Listing (ULC/ORD-C959 Industrial Type 760 C Chimney)
UL-103 & UL-2561 Standards, Additional Positive Pressure
Listing to 90” WC after 1400°FUL-1738 Standard, Venting Systems for Gas-Burning
Appliances, Categories II, III & IV (ULC-S636 Standard for
Type BH Gas Venting Systems)UL-441 Standard, Gas Vents (ULC-S605 Standard for Gas
Vents)UL-641 Standard, Type L Low-Temperature Vent (ULCS609
Standard for Low-Temperature Vents Type L)